Feature News My YouTube Channel
Feature News

Feature News

This page is kinda not being worked on, but it is a news page for all the new features on this website, and just some random crap i post.



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Fake YouTube Video

This is really living up to the random crap standards and the no one cares standards, but there is this short video on youtube of a samsung galaxy note 10+ unboxing, when it starts up, you can see a font that doesnt look original,what i think is that the video is farming views, and misleading people about if its actually real, and the video should be more long, exploring it more but no one really cares, i just wrote this for someone who cares, also i think i made a typo in actually, idk but anyways that concludes this stupid news article.



New Feature Log


Featured Video Of The Week

Welcome to VOTW, where a random video on my youtube channel will be the video of the week for a week!